What Sets Celebrity Surrogacy Apart?

By: Friday Faraday Gestational Surrogacy is a unique experience for both the surrogate and the intended parents, and there are a number of situations that can bring a person to the decision to explore surrogacy. Infertility is a well known reason for why intended parents chose this option to start or grow their family, the […]

The Complexity of Surrogacy and Taxes

By: Friday Faraday Surrogacy as a whole is still pretty young, it was in 1985 when the first successful gestational surrogate was documented in the United States, and with that youth, federal laws are still in catch up mode when it comes to surrogacy. Most laws surrounding surrogacy are up to the individual states to […]

Let’s Talk about Working While Being a Surrogate

By: Friday Faraday The decision to become a gestational surrogate can be rooted in many aspects that reflect your life. You can be a deeply caring person that wants to give an extraordinary gift to someone else, you could be thinking about your future with the compensation that you will earn, or both. No matter […]

The Changing Landscape of Surrogacy in Idaho

By: Friday Faraday Art by Leigh Archibald What would The Gestational Agreements Act in Idaho do? At the beginning of this month, a bill was signed to give more structure and oversight to gestational surrogacy in the state of Idaho. House bill 264 or the Gestational Agreements Act was co sponsored by Brooke Green (Democrat) […]

Surrogacy for Transgender Parents

On Identity and Parenthood By: Friday Faraday There is nothing more natural than wanting to start a family, to build something with love and kindness, but this desire is not limited to cisgender families. The same importance toward building a family can be found within the LGBTQIA2S+ community. There is a certain shared experience of […]


NOTE: The views I have written do not reflect those of Alcea Surrogacy, my employer. While going about my typical daily regiment of searching “surrogacy news” on google- I came about a delightful article on the (please forgive me) “Catholic News Agency” This titan of journalism has blessed us with their next Pulitzer prize winner […]

Signs You Might be a Good Candidate for Surrogacy

Why did you want to become a surrogate? It’s a question many surrogates find themselves being asked. We all want to know what attracted them to the process. We wonder what went through their minds when they first arranged a consult. What told them that this was the path they should take? And for some […]

The Pros & Cons of Choosing to go with Surrogacy

  The Pros & Cons of Choosing to go with Surrogacy You are ready to build your family. However, the information surrounding family-building is overwhelming, confusing, and often one sided. It might be helpful to begin you look into surrogacy by addressing a few common questions and concerns. The Pros of Surrogacy for Intended Parents […]

“The New York Birth Control Access Project”

““So people’s ability to have or not have children are all tied up in reproductive justice.”  ”— NY Birth Control Access Project Associate Board While Alcea Surrogacy aids with the latter, we cannot (and will not) deny the former as we are forever joined by biology. We are sisters wrapped in social injustice. As reproductive rights were lit a blaze […]