By: Christina

“For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a dream of having four children. ”
Alongside that dream, I always had it in my heart to carry for a family who was unable to have a child on their own, so long as I was suited to fit the role. After each successful pregnancy & birth I was another year closer to my dream of surrogacy. In the fall of 2020, I began my journey.
To start, I matched with an incredible family—one that was kind, supportive, and so excited to begin their own journey, and I was ecstatic to start the process. As we waited for the laws in NY to become established, I did everything I could to be as prepared as possible for my upcoming journey. I started taking prenatal vitamins, kept up my workout routine, stuck to establishing all of my healthy eating habits. From the very beginning, I wanted my body to be a healthy vessel, for it to be ready to take on another pregnancy. Sometimes the anticipation was killing me. I can remember wanting to scream “hurry up” as we awaited the process, and other times I felt like time was moving so fast! I was never nervous, just excited about my upcoming transfer, excited by the chance to carry a baby for an incredible family, excited to realize the dream that I’ve had on my heart & mind for many, many years.
It was the end of summer when we were ready for the big transfer day. It was a remarkable day. It felt so surreal to head into the hospital, not pregnant, knowing that when I left just a short time later, I’d be the oven for a very special embryo ready to thrive and grow inside of me. Excited by the prospect, I did some special old wives tail type things to try to increase my chances of the embryo sticking. I ate pineapple (cores), some McDonald’s French fries post transfer, & drinking POM juice the week leading up to transfer. I even wore my lucky pineapple socks to the transfer, too! There was something about that day. From the moment I arrived, I had a great feeling that everything would work out, and throughout the process I wanted to ensure that I was able to maintain a positive attitude and healthy lifestyle.
Some time after the transfer I had my first positive pregnancy test. The feeling was indescribable. I was so excited to share the amazing news with all of the people who’d loved and supported me. All the people who aided me in in doing what I’d wanted to do for so long. It began with telling my incredible family, but I was also so thrilled to share the good news with the Alcea team that I’d also befriended. They’d become my family through this process and for that I’ll be forever grateful. A week later I was confirmed pregnant with the HCG bloodwork. From there my journey began to unfold. Two weeks after that we saw the heartbeat, and the weeks & months continued on from there.
Somehow, I now find myself very pregnant, already in the 3rd trimester, and I’m not quite sure how this all happened so fast! I’m due in a matter of weeks! This pregnancy has thankfully been smooth sailing, uncomplicated and one of my favorites! I’ve felt full and invigorated, from the very beginning. Even when I was taking my IVF medications, attending several doctor’s appointments, having blood draws, and continuing my journey through the past several months. I have been able to continue my running, my workouts, my everyday life. My children are excited for the baby to meet her family and, without rushing the coming weeks that I still have baking this amazing child, I look forward to the day that he or she can meet the parents who have been eagerly awaiting to meet their child as well!
I’ve learned that for many, surrogacy is an amazing process. It’s not always easy, but it’s one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever experienced. Dreams can come true, starting one family at a time.