Breastfeeding and Surrogacy: Finding Common Ground on Your Journey

Building a family through surrogacy includes many decisions along the way. Whether an intended parent or a surrogate, one of the decisions you’ll want to discuss is whether the intended parent(s) would like to feed their baby breastmilk or formula. And while the decision can be deeply personal, it’s important to have the conversation upon match and be open to change. Surrogacy is a very human experience, and some steps might not always go according to plan. 

Open Communication is Key 

At Alcea Surrogacy, we believe that open and honest communication is the foundation of a successful surrogacy journey. This includes having open conversations about breastmilk – whether it’s something you’ve envisioned as an intended parent, or something a surrogate may or may not be comfortable with. 

Questions to consider: 

  • Ideally, how long do the intended parents want to provide breast milk to their child? 
  • When do both parties agree to start providing breastmilk? 
  • How will the surrogate be compensated for breast milk provision? 
  • How will the breastmilk be transported and how often? 
  • What to do if the surrogate has challenges with milk production, what are other options? 


Matching Preferences, Not Absolutes 

The good news is there’s no right or wrong answer here. During the matching process, it’s perfectly okay to have a general idea about your preferences. However, it’s important to remember that these preferences can evolve over time. 

Flexibility is Your Friend 

The best course of action is to approach this conversation with an open mind and a willingness to be flexible. As the intended parent and surrogate get to know each other better throughout the surrogacy journey, your initial thoughts on breastfeeding may change. 

Alcea is Here to Help 

Here at Alcea Surrogacy, we’re here to support you every step of the way. Our experienced team can guide you through open conversations about breastfeeding, helping you find common ground that works for everyone involved. 

Remember, Your Journey, Your Choice 

Ultimately, the decision of how to feed the baby is one that should be made jointly between the intended parents and the surrogate, in consultation with your surrogacy agency and medical professionals. There is no pressure to conform to any specific expectation – the most important thing is to choose the course of action that feels most comfortable and natural for everyone involved. 

Want to see if you qualify to be a surrogate? 

Contact Alcea Surrogacy today at +1-917-597-9380 or visit and see if you qualify to make a difference and change lives!