Alcea Events – May 2024

Check out this months events! Click each image to register. IG LIVE: Alcea Surrogacy & Dr. Bedient Surrogacy Requirements, BMI & Weight Loss Drugs 5/9/2024 @ 13:30 PDT/3:30pm EST Join us on IG Live Thursday, May 9th at 3:30pm ET/12:30pm PT with the Fertility Center of Las Vegas (FCLV)! We’ll be joined by Southern Nevada’s […]
Ways To Fund Your Surrogacy Journey

What are some ways you can fund your surrogacy journey? We can all agree that a lot can be spent on a surrogacy journey whether it be time, patience, emotions and of course money. A major part of deciding whether to move forward with a surrogacy journey is cost and whether it fits in your […]
Men Having Babies & Our Family Coalition present: 2024 West Coast Surrogacy Conference & Expo in San Francisco

The nonprofit Men Having Babies (MHB) returns to for its annual Surrogacy Conference & Gay Parenting Expo in San Francisco!
Virtual: Male Peer-to-Peer Support Group

An informal opportunity for women and men experiencing pregnancy and parenting after infertility to connect with one another. Infertility Peer-led Support Group
NY: Panel Discussion on Women’s Health

A supportive group for Men going through a family-building journey.
RESOLVE’S NYC Area Pregnancy & Parenting: Life After Infertility Peer-led Support Group

An informal opportunity for women and men experiencing pregnancy and parenting after infertility to connect with one another. Infertility Peer-led Support Group
Things To Know About Being A Surrogate in New York!

If your or someone you know is interested in becoming a surrogate in New York, this is the perfect webinar to learn about qualifications, medicall process, legal protections, guidelines and more! Register Here
A Gift of Hope for Intended Parents

Let’s talk about our intended parent advocate! We’d like to introduce you to Mira, Alcea’s Intended Parent Advocate! Mira understands what our clients have been through because she’s been through it too. After years of trying to conceive, Mira had an unexpected turn of events that led to a successful surrogacy journey with two babies […]
Things to know before starting a surrogacy journey

It may seem intimidating, but with so many resources, you just need to know where to start! What is surrogacy? In a surrogacy arrangement, the woman acting as the surrogate will carry a baby for another person or couple, referred to as Intended Parents. There are two types of surrogacy arrangements, the first and most […]