Birth Plan: A Guide for Surrogates and Intended Parents

A birth plan is more than just a plan, but a way to communicate the delivery experience wishes of the intended parents and surrogate. While it is important to create a plan, it is also important to be open to change (especially for the health and safety of surrogate and baby). A birth plan outlines preferences and expectations for delivery but, you can also think of a birth plan as a living breathing document to be discussed and curated by intended parents, surrogate and even the doctor that includes “what ifs” and back up options. It is especially important to create a shared plan that addresses the unique dynamics of your relationship.

Why is a Birth Plan Important?

Creating a birth plan helps ensure that everyone involved in the surrogacy process understands the preferences for the delivery process. It promotes open communication, reduces anxiety, and helps manage expectations. It is an important document used by the hospital staff to ensure everyone caring for the delivering surrogate is aware of the intended parents and surrogates wishes. While, unexpected events can occur, it is helpful for everyone to be on the same page!

What to Include in Your Birth Plan

A comprehensive birth plan can cover the following areas:

· Labor and Delivery Preferences:

o Desired location (hospital, birthing center)

o Pain management options (epidural, natural methods, etc.)

o Labor positions (walking, sitting, or other)

o Delivery methods

o Support person(s) present during labor

o Atmosphere (lighting, music, noise level)

o Fetal monitoring preferences (continuous or intermittent)

o Birth positions (standing, squatting, etc.)

· Postpartum Care:

o Skin-to-skin contact

o Breastfeeding or formula feeding plans (for the surrogate)

o Rooming-in arrangements

o Pain management after birth

o Visitors

o Newborn care preferences

· Legal  and Ethical Considerations:

o Clarification of parental rights and responsibilities

o Hospital identification and access for intended parents

o Decision-making authority in case of emergencies

Creating a Shared Birth Plan

For surrogates and intended parents, open communication is essential when creating a birth plan. Start as early as you can, and it must include the needs of the surrogate. Trust is important for the health and safety of surrogate and baby. Consider the following:

· Discuss expectations: Talk about your hopes and preferences for the birth experience.

· Create a shared vision: Work together to develop a plan that aligns with both of your goals.

· Flexibility: Understand that unexpected events may occur and be prepared to adapt the plan as needed.

· Involve your healthcare providers: Discuss your birth plan with your doctors and nurses to ensure it aligns with their recommendations.

· Experience: Keep in mind that your surrogate has delivered a baby before (usually more than once). Listen to her previous birth experiences and consider them when discussing preferences.

Remember: A birth plan is a living document that can be updated as needed. It’s essential to revisit and update it throughout your pregnancy to reflect any changes in your preferences or medical circumstances.

By creating a comprehensive birth plan, you’re taking an important step towards a positive and memorable experience. As always, we are here to help you through your entire journey.

Want to see if you qualify to be a surrogate?

Contact Alcea Surrogacy today at +1-917-597-9380 or visit / and see if you qualify to make a difference and change lives!