Why work with a surrogacy agency?

Support, protection & confidence

Don’t go solo

Surrogacy is an emotional, physical, and extremely complex process for both gestational carriers and intended parents. While some people choose to handle the surrogacy process themselves, finding clinics and doctors, employing lawyers, and juggling the day-to-day intricacies is not only daunting for most but also a potential legal and logistical nightmare.

Both surrogates and intended parents benefit from working with a trusted agency that will bring their industry knowledge and experience to the surrogacy journey. They can anticipate what needs to be accomplished at each stage, manage all the details, and spot any potential concerns along the way.

You deserve a support team

With an agency like Alcea, you will have a supportive team guiding you throughout the entire process. This consideration is a partnership with attentive management from beginning to end, starting with a great matching process that helps to align surrogates with like-minded intended parents. Our #1 goal is to match our surrogates with the right intended parents to ensure a smoother journey through delivery.

Your agency has access to surrogacy professionals and networking within the community. They will be your advocate, facilitate all necessary pre-screening, and work as an intermediary with the clinic, prospective parents, and anyone else involved in the process.

Alcea functions as a holistic fertility collective with a dream team of support and expertise:

  • One-on-one social work support

  • OBGYNs

  • Midwives

  • Doulas

  • Yoga instructors

  • Chiropractors

  • Support groups

  • Acupuncturists

  • Fertility specialists

  • Clinic personnel

  • Lawyers

And legal and financial protection

The law is complicated, even for lawyers (!), and surrogacy is no exception. Every state has its own laws around gestational surrogacy – some even outright ban it. You need someone who knows the laws inside and out and can provide the best legal counsel available. And surrogates and intended parents deserve separate legal counsel (some states require this) to ensure advocacy for each side. Pre-birth orders and other legal documents have to be filed by a certain time in order to ensure a smooth transition after delivery. You need an expert handling this, and an agency will pair you with the right legal counsel.

The contracts you sign when you work with an agency have been thoroughly vetted and used for many, many surrogacy agreements. We know they protect both parties equally. And when you work with an agency like Alcea, all the funds go into an escrow account (we partner with SeedTrust) so that the surrogate’s expenses and compensation are paid upfront. Full financial protection is ensured, and we ensure that surrogates don’t pay a penny of their own money during the entire process (you get a stipend – no expense reimbursement forms needed!).

Experience the Alcea difference

Overall, an agency provides unmatched holistic support, saving everyone the time, energy, and worry of attempting to doing it independently. Alcea goes one step further with our no penny spent policy, monthly bump boxes, personal attention, and care – not to mention our extensive pre-screening and matching processes. We would love to work with you. See if you qualify to become a surrogate or get in touch with us, and we’ll answer any questions you may have.